Are we smart enough to find our own solutions to the current problems we are all experiencing together and apply them?

Those willing to look at the bigger picture and take “whole” with proactive and protective measures, will rise and survive.   I think it is evident we need to become more self-reliant especially in this time of uncertainty and change.

I am not sure who said this and it isn’t an exact quote, but there is a good deal of truth in this statement:   “Knowledge is what we are uncertain of.   The things we are certain of we don’t really know properly.”    I truly believe that when we look at the tiny fragments of life and isolate them, it becomes meaningless and uncertain to the whole and we are in dangerous territory.

The current and apparent “shedding” situation is getting a lot of attention in alternative circles.    For those who are concerned about the current approach of the medical and political systems, I recommend we step back and look at the bigger picture.   What is true health?     What damage has already been done?   How can we help the whole?  When I say “whole” I don’t mean as as individuals…but the “whole” of nature.

Let’s try not to play the same game of isolating and separating.  It is a Gestalt!   It is not ONE thing, separated, divided and conquered.   The antidote is not one thing either.

I do not feel we need to be afraid either!   We just need to step back and understand the filaceous nature of everything.   When we truly understand “interconnectedness” and that each of us exist in a natural relationships perhaps whole solutions will be our saving grace?

Why am I sharing on this topic (vaccines and health) and what does it have to do with soil?

Actually knowing about the soil’s microbiome is very connected to the health of humans.   Humans, soil and nature go hand-in-hand.   Nature has these “pathways” that are very important.   The current “injection” and the use of glyphosate alter these pathways.    I am getting a head of myself….

It obvious that modern science and most natural health care approaches follow the divide and conquer attitude and attack (go to war) with the microbe or virus.   We often look to “ides” and “anti’s” to go to war.      It is like looking at one Field of View (FOV) in a microscope and determining the whole picture of the soil sample.   It is like this article I write one letter and word at a time. It is like the cell to the tissue to the body.  It is like the microbe to the aggregate to the soil.  Life is filaceous…filaments connecting!    All things matter but we can not reduce it to find meaning.

Word on the street is those vaccinated with mRNA needle may be harmful to the unvaccinated due to exposure to spike proteins.  They call it “shedding”.  Our immune systems, naturally create proteins in its line of defence.  The vaccination is an injected “code” that causes the immune system to create trillions of these proteins. That is why they call the “spike”.

 Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of AFLDS, posted a white paper document about the vaccines On shedding, she wrote “one can be exposed by inhalation or skin contact” with someone involved in the study, or with another who has been exposed in the same way…. the spike proteins are pathogenic (‘disease causing’) just like the full virus.”

She also says these “spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus” and  “pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated.”   It doesn’t surprise me that these are all autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue).

The “vax” changes the genetic diversity for at least one potential receptor in the human body.  The means it “alters”  the human immune system.     We did this to our soil with glyphosate!  Again, I am getting ahead of myself…

The mRNA injection is not really a vaccine in the traditional sense.  It is a nucleic acid code.  This is supposed to prime your immune system to build the antibodies and T-cells that will fight off the virus infection when it comes.

However, things are a little confusing in the main stream world of reporting.  We have been told that the vaccine (or some of them) are attenuated vaccines.

And, here they say it is not

Confusing?  Lying?  Who knows!    But, the medical systems have been flawed for a long time.

It is unclear whether vaccines are live or dead viruses or genetic instruction code to alter our immune system.   The WHO recently updated their “vaccine” information to include this mRNA type.

It seems to me GMO and mRNA are very much alike.    They both alters codes and “pathways”.

Let’s start with GMO seeds and plants.   To explain this we have to consider the microbiome of the soil and the “pathways” of the microbes.   GMO seeds and plants were introdcued due to the use of glyphosate.    Glyphosphate interupts the pathways.  When you interrupt this whole pathway and it seems everything dies so science created seeds and plants that would not die.

Now, there we find we have other problems!   Our soils are not healthy anymore and they are getting worse.  Plants are devoid of nutrition.

Glyphospate destroys the “pathways” in the soil.   What pathway, the shikimate pathway.

“The shikimate pathway is a seven-step Metabolic pathway used by bacteria, archaea, fungi, algae, some protozoans, and plants for the biosynthesis of folates and aromatic amino acids. This pathway is not found in animals, who must instead obtain these essential amino acids from their diet”.  Wikipedia

A good article on Shikimate

 In soil sciences, we are learning if you increase the “good guys” the “bad guys” go away.   They don’t do “war” either…it is just a numbers game.    It is a healthy relationship of microbiome microbes (soil and gut) that gives us strength.

Am I comparing Glyphosate to this mRNA injection.  Well, yes, I am!    Glyphophate was patented in 1961.  It was originally a descaling and chelating agent. It was initially used as a descaling agent to clean out calcium and other mineral deposits in pipes and boilers of residential and commercial hot water systems.   In 1970 it was discovered it was a herbicide and Monsanto introduced glyphosate into the business of food management as a proactive attempt to destroy the soil pathogens.  But, hang on, it killed more than pathogens it destroyed the pathways.  So, scientists created genetically modified seeds so they could be “Round up Ready” .

FIRST problem and attack on our microbes and virome world.   Any herbicide, pesticide (any “ide”) kills microbes good and bad.

Shikimate pathway is required to produce important amino acids (proteins).  Humans don’t make this pathway…we get it from our food.  In many articles I read about Shikimate, it was reported we don’t need this pathway.   I assume they were on Monsanto’s payroll.   When we eat healthy plants from healthy soils, we do obtain this pathway in our microbe system.  Have you ever been told you are low on iron, folate, coenzyme Q10, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin B12, Magnesium, Manganese, Chondroitin Sulfate, or Glutathione, serotonin, melatonin, melanin, epinephrine, dopamine, thyroid hormone?   Well, they all rely on this pathway to be absorbed.    In other words, we can not use these life affirming molecules if this pathway is blocked or destroyed.  Opps!   Did science screw up?

Monsanto, still to this day, claims that glyphosate and GMO altered seeds are non-toxic.   This is the modern science.   I am sorry, but they are dead wrong.   And, if they can be wrong about this, well, yes, I do not trust the isolating and manipulating modern science telling me to un-naturally code my system for the greater good.

The bottom line here is I think we are in dangerous territory (both for the soil and the human microbiome) and what is happening could be very dangerous to the codes of our immune systems.

Human and soil biochemistry is incredibly complex.   The body’s synthesis of thousands (and more) of different proteins is remarkably delicate and easy to throw out of balance. Many people don’t realize this.   Proteins are not only structural components of the body (such as muscle tissue and skin), they are also messengers (such as hormones), transport vehicles, enzymes, antibodies and all the other types of molecules not understood, yet.   I think we have totally gone bonkers with the “germ” theory.   Our microbiome and our virome (like soil) is incredibly complex and beautiful.

Okay, check this out. While fascinating…also scary

And Virome? I think we will be hearing a lot more about the virome in the near future. 

We just do not understand the relationships of bacteria, fungi and virome in our body or in the soil.  I will state that in soil sciences, we are discovering that raising and encouraging the “good guys” rather than going to war with them is a far more natural and effective approach.

We have to strengthen our immune systems and we need to look at how we can undue the damage created to both the microbes of the soil and the human being.

Let’s ask the questions that matter to our current situation:

  1. “How do we say strong and healthy?
  2. What controls our immune system?”   Well, the answer is a strong and healthy human microbiome! 
  3. “How do you help the human microbiome stay healthy?”    Eat from healthy plants grown with a healthy soil microbiome.

In my soil studies we learned about the different trophic levels of plants and how they relate to the bacteria and fungi ratios and symbiotic relationships.    The old forests have the most interesting and intricate blend of symbiotic relationships, so it doesn’t surprise me that the natural medicine (or protection) for this pandemic situation could come from this trophic level of wisdom.   Trees have wisdom!

There is word out in the alternative fields that perhaps there are another needles, the pine needle, and the sharp edges of the star anise that will give us a natural antidote!   It doesn’t surprise me at all that the possible aid to restore the health “pathways”  comes from the forests from the terrain we live upon.  This possible antidote is not a extract (singular) from nature…it is something “whole” that could restores the full “pathway” of information.

We know pine needles are potent anti-oxidants, treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections.   It also is an anticoagulant.  Pine needles and Star Anise contain Suramin.

If you read the wikipedia discussion, it is quite scary.  Wonder why?

And, here the medical community actually say it might work

Suramin has been available to the medical profession for almost 100 years. A summary of its antioxidant benefits are outlined in this report – 100 Years of Suramin (attached as a PDF).

I asked myself this question and I am creating an elixir that contains many ingredients (parts) made from nature and aimed to help the “whole” body and good guy microbes.    It includes Apple Cider Vinegar ferment with garlic, ginger, turmeric, horseradish, onions, lemon and orange skins, oregano, thyme, rosemary and cayenne peppers and cinnamon and then blended with honey.  To this, I added the essential oil and hydrosol of pine needles and cones (which presents turpentine in a small amount) and star anise essential oil and hydrosol.

Here is an article I wrote on Fire Cider for those who want to know more   Fire Cider, What is it?

Let’s get the microbes back into our soil.  Let’s help the microbes in our body.   Let’s use “whole” plants as medicine.  Let’s increase the good guys!  All bases covered with this one!

Not only is it health and immune system inducing, the microbiome of your body loves it!   It is not a chemical compound or an isolated product.  It is a Gesalt.

There is an intelligence of Nature that exists everywhere around us.  One thing for sure, no matter what “life” you are considering (microbe, viral, soil, plant, human) it all looks to manipulate its’ environment for food and shelter.     More than this, we are innately and intimately involved in this dance of manipulation.   The intelligence of our soils, our inner microbes, the plants, are part of this living tapestry, regardless of all attempts to intellectualize our superiority, and see ourselves as separate from the rest of life on the planet.

True medicine is understanding the “whole” and that includes everything – from the air, to the microbes in the soil, the humic and fulvic acids, the chemical signal relationship of the the root systems to world below and above, to the plants itself (truck, stalk, leaves, flowers, fruit), to the harvest and nourishment from the plants, the saliva, the stomach, the organs of digestion to the microbiome of our gut.   This is a pathway to health!

Only when we see the broader picture can we see the meaning.    The river, as it always changes, remains the same.    It is our concepts and contexts that need to change.

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