Showing: 43 RESULTS

Green Pepper Pow(d)er

We are harvesting the peppers…lotsa peppers!   We have too many peppers!  So, we create lasting value with Green Powder. Green Bell Pepper Powder is also known as (Capsicum annuum) and of the Bell pepper varieties. They are mainly cultivated for the fruits but now there are many more uses for …

Ecology of Nature! Economy of Nature?

I am begining to understand that the desception of the matrix in ways deeper than imagined and it is digusting.   Species banking is becoming big business…and it is putting a “worth” on nature. The deception forms as many are participating  thinking they are “protecting” nature. It appears good…and it is …

Soil pH

Is there an alternative to lime when my PH is acidic? This is the most misguided topic in agriculture today. Why? We have been conditioned for so long by US Agriculture and constituents to force soil chemistry into what we want it to be. We learned nutrients are only available …

Gut and Soil Microbes – The Connection!

We’re in trouble. Our over-reliance on fossil fuels and our taste for foods with a high carbon footprint is causing disruptive climate change. Our throwaway society has flooded the land and seas with plastic pollution. And we face a growing public health crisis triggered by the rise of disease-causing microbes that we cannot kill …

Why Organic Is Not Enough?

What are we up to?    The project has launched and Living Ground, Suelo Vivo is carefully placing one foot in front of the other and walking carefully, gently and purposefully forward.    As all we do is about the microbes and the micro world of the soil, it is …

Glomalin The Magical Glue

Ever wonder what holds the soil together? It’s not Velcro, tape, or oil: it’s glomalin, a sticky glycoprotein that glues sand, silt, clay, and organic matter together, to create soil aggregates. This creates what farmers and gardeners call “tilth,” which is a feeling of smooth soil granules that flow through …

The Surprising Superpowers of Nettle Seed

Nettle Urtica dioica is a plant that needs little introduction. As children we quickly learnt to recognise them just so that we could avoid their itchy burning sting. They are part of our linguistic culture too. To nettle some one is to annoy them; to grasp the nettle – face …

Magnets, Worms and Bacteria

The Worms Turn The year was 1936 and a young man, in-between that high school and college stage of life, was planning a little fishing expedition on his summer vacation. To fish you need worms, and all the worms were ready to go. Three cardboard boxes held the horde. It …

Organized Chaos

The chaos we see around us every day is not arbitrary chaos. It is organized chaos. It results from the fact that almost no one wants to take responsibility for their own lives and for the larger life of the planet and the biosphere. Therefore, those whose desire is to …

What Soil and Soil Diversity?

Soil. It’s our greatest treasure. It can take hundreds of years and many natural processes to make even a centimetre of soil. The mechanical and chemical weathering of rock makes up around half of any soil’s composition, with around 5% supplied by organic material, and the rest made up by …